Friday, February 22, 2008

Defiant Manager Vows To Valiantly Forge Forward

From Daniel Hanna, Manager and Head Buyer of the Suspect Video on Queen W.

Ladies and gentlemen, friends and co-workers...
A terrible tragedy has struck down a significant fixture in our lives.
A community meeting place, a valued cultural resource, a fun place to work and to play in the company of wonderful, colourful personalities.
Like the burning of the Library at Alexandria, culture as we know it may never recover.

Some people have marvelled at my ability to maintain my generally playful sarcastic attitude in the face of this devastating event. Let me put it this way: when the radiator in the apartment upstairs leaked and ruined $200.00 worth of product, I got angry. When a customer snapped disk 3 of a 7 disk set in half, I cried a little. When a customer I hadn't seen in months came in and wanted to discuss the plot intricacies and subtexts of the movie they had downloaded, I shook my fist at the sky and cursed the gods. When an elemental force of such ferocious intensity completely obliterated everything that I had poured 110% of blood, sweat and tears into over the last 12 years of my life...well...if I didn't find a way to laugh about it I'd be dead right now.

Make no mistake, I am absolutely devastated.

I am also profoundly moved, deeply grateful and whole-heartedly encouraged by the generosity and goodwill of the people who have come forward to express their sympathies, offer assistance and promises to get us all stinking drunk (I don't really drink a lot but I'm starting to see the appeal). To all of you, too numerous to mention, thank you so much! Believe me when I say that I intend to hold you to it all!

There are two souls, aside from myself, at Suspect whom have just lost their full time livelihood. If anyone out there needs someone to fill a position or could help them out in any way with some part time/temporary employment I would consider it a personal favour. They are both "certified cool" in my books and I personally vouch for them. Thankfully, most of the part timers have auxiliary incomes but feel free to buy them a beer... or a sandwich.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone and anyone who has ever visited our humble little shop.
Whether you were a consistent regular or just a curious by-passer who popped in trying to figure out "just what kind of store is this?"
You were absolutely the best thing about working there, make no mistake, I miss you all already.

Many of you are wondering what the future holds for Suspect Video. I have no definitive answer for you at this point. All I can say for now is this:
anyone who knows me even a little will tell you that I never fold without a fight and I never pass up an opportunity to get in way over my head.
With the blessing and support of our illustrious and magnanimous leader, Luis Ceriz, I am going to attempt the seemingly impossible and try to resurrect the store and reassemble the lost collection of (in certain cases, irreplaceable) films (If someone wants to turn this into a reality show and pay me some money, let me know). Anyone who wants to help is welcome to, I'm gonna need it! We lost, literally, everything! Except our dignity and our resolve!

Watch this space in the days and weeks to come. Here you will find updates on my progress toward opening a new store on Queen W.


Anne Gibson said...

Hey Daniel!
I wish there were something I could do..
Yes, I have a video and am taking it to the Tequila Bookroom.
I read in the Globe today that Suspect will reopen...Perhaps there is a light after all.
I think it was me that caused you to shake your "fist and curse the gods" (although I don't, personally, download. I have seen downloaded films. I have a PC). Perhaps there were others... But I kept coming back... several times a week perhaps.
Your 'humble little shop' was a Godsend to me after work ... What ever mood I was in you always seemed to find a good movie I never would have thought to rent- So close, so comfortable. Things will work out...Suspect WILL return and I sincerely hope that you will be there along with the others I have enjoyed commiserating with over who should and who should not be allowed to make any more movies.

Jerky LeBoeuf said...

Library of Alexandria, indeed.

There is no way to calculate all that was lost in this retarded blaze. The metrics of insurance adjustment have no way to account for or replace true spirit, substance and soul.

Suspect was a place, but it had more personality than most people do these days.

The city of Toronto lost one of its best friends this week, and is slowly waking up to that sad fact. This will become ever more clear over the next few weeks as more and more people utter the following, mournful phrase in response to a friend's query about where they might be able to get their hands on a good copy of that obscure British sitcom, or that outrageous Japanese horror flick, or that transcendently transformative documentary they just heard about: "Well... they used to have it at Suspect."

Unknown said...

Hey Daniel - I was out on the road when this tragedy happened, and I can't say how saddened I am that your beautiful establishment, and the partly irreplaceable contents therein, have been lost to us, along with the other buildings/ businesses and homes that were such a crucial part of our neighbourhood - a place I cherish above all others. On Sunday I'll come home to a place that will never be the same again, but at the same time, your courage and optimism gives me hope that the future will not suck. Thank you for that.

t said...

Hey folks- check out my facebook group and help out any way you can!

Kristy said...

I had a dream last night that we were working together in the store.
When I woke up, I was really sad.
I'm so glad you're going to keep the dream alive!!!!
I miss you.

Kristy said...

Oh, I also just realized Suspect will come back from the dead, like a ZOMBIE!!!!
It's perfect.

MarĂ­lia Dolce said...

Daniel, it's me Marilia!
I wish I could do something to help you, i just didn't believe when Vanessa told me what happened, gosh, fucking fire!!
Well, i promise that i will help, i'll send you some movies from down here to help you re-start your collection!!
i hope that the next time i go to toronto i'll be able to see suspect open again!!
i miss you guys !! and i wish all the luck in the world in this moment for you!

JustinLourenco said...

yea, this situations pretty crazy man. I mean, this was pretty much the only video store I knew of that actually fit my taste/personality simultaneously - no small feat.

By the way, If you need any particularly rare movies let me know, ill prolly be able to find them... through OTHER channels. Man, I'm going to miss that place, i practically lived in that motherfucker - And I mean it, in the nicest possible way.

Thanks again. (hopefully not for the last time)