Sunday, April 6, 2008

Officially Announcing Our Opening!

Let the drums roll and the trumpets blare! Ignite the fanfare! Lock up your daughters and don't let your sons grow up to be cowboys!

Spring is in air! Energies are stirring and life is renewed, awakened from it's long winter slumber. As it is in nature, so it is in business. Business being a creation born of Man and Man being a creation born of nature. We have planted the seed and it took. As it stirs just beneath the soil, gestating, preparing for it's privileged debut above the ground and beneath the sun. We shall tend to it carefully, with love and devotion, to ensure it's strength and purpose. When the summer comes it shall be vital, ripe and ready.

All right, enough prose! What you really want to know is this:

We shall be opening our brand new, super-cool, ultra-fantastic and as yet un-named indie video store at 801 Queen St. W. (near Niagara St.) on June 1st, 2008!

Just when you thought that the news couldn't be any better, check this out:

We will be moving into this new location with.... Rotate This (, Toronto's longest running and best loved indie record shop!

One stop shopping at it's best! A match made in Heaven for Toronto's discerning counter-culture clientèles. A place where knowledge and professionalism rule over profit and disposability. A home for the incurable romantics whom still believe (and rightly so) that style without substance is like a man without a soul, empty and useless.

We are looking forward to seeing you this summer! Old friends and new!

If you want to help us pick a name, go to:
There you can vote on some of the ideas that we have been throwing around!

Oh yeah, there will be a party, possibly more than one! Watch this space for news on upcoming events!


Anonymous said...

Oh My God!

Anonymous said...

amazing.... i wish you guys the best of luck!

Bob Bourne said...

Luis is a smart business man to have had two stores just in case one met tragedy.