Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Good Things In Life Are Worth Waiting For...

So what is my excuse...

Have you ever had a dream where you are desperately running through a hallway or down a tunnel and you can see the end way up ahead but it never seems to get any closer no matter how fast and hard you try to get there? Or the one where your trying to climb a mountain made of bean-bag chairs? Or the one where you are bound in chains, hanging upside-down over a pit full of hungry badgers that are wearing vests made of razor blades, swimming in iodine and you are screaming as loud as you can but no sound comes out?

Due to circumstances beyond my control and one or two circumstances of my having control issues, we will be open for business on June 20th, 2oo8. This date not only marks the four month anniversary of the fire but also the summer solstice. An auspicious date, indeed!

My sincere apologies for the delay! I'll be at the space, getting things ready, pretty well every day for the next 10 days. If you want to, stop by and chastise me in person. I'm a glutton for punishment, obviously. I'm certain, in fact, that this Friday the 13th I'll be there between 5 and 8pm, probably enjoying a cold beverage or two and proudly admiring my own handy-work (or pulling my hair out in a frustrated, impotent rage).

Stop in and say "Hi"

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