Friday, February 29, 2008

Robber Barons Ruin Retail Resuscitation...for now

Hey folks, just a quick note.

There was almost a deal settled for a new space but alas, Queen St. W. landlords have a slightly exaggerated sense of what kind of rental rates are "reasonable". I remain undaunted and will simply surge onward in positive directions. If anybody out there has a line on a retail storefront space on Queen St. W. that isn't priced beyond the means of everyone except "Starschmucks", let me know.

For all those people who have stepped forward in the last couple of days, thank you for the DVD donations and the kind words of support! Thank you for the $50.00 bill (you know who you are.) Thanks for the offers of investment capitol (got your info, we'll talk soon.)

And...hang on to your VHS. Not that your offers aren't appreciated! So many wonderful people willing to part with their personal collections just moves me beyond words. Unfortunately, that format is basically dead and really isn't worth much to anyone except to the person who collected them. I know... because I'm one.

Keep fighting the good fight and enjoy the weekend. Hopefully a new week will bring good news!


Anne Gibson said...

What about one of unoccupied stores one block north of Queen on the west side of Bathurst St. i.e. either side of ROX up to Jamie's Party Stuff etc.?

t said...

re: VHS

Done and done!


Heather's Blog said...

Keep fighting Daniel!!!
We'll bring you business no matter where you are..

dubby said...

Just caught wind of your plans! Thanks for the updates.

As Jodie said, no matter where you end up, I'll be there!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I have one of those book carts on wheels that used to live at Tower Records, Queen and Yonge and was used for reshelving CDs/Books and the like. If it would be a useful donation to a new shop, let me know. I worked at Tower and resuced it from the dumpsters when we closed the place down. I want nothing more then for it to find a good, useful home.

my.tellulah AT gmail DOT com