Saturday, March 8, 2008

Giant Squid Invades Toronto!

Here's a little good news!

I have managed to secure a small but really solid collection of DVDs from a nifty little shop in Stratford, Ontario called Giant Squid Independent Video ( Sadly, they were closing up the business only 2 years after carving out a small a patch of independent territory in a land ever increasingly ruled over by the Mono-culture Monoliths. We were able to work out a mutually beneficial deal and I hope that I have helped them out as much as they have helped me. This opportunity came along at just the right juncture and I would like to officially thank the owners, Chris and Annemarie, for their time, effort and good faith in negotiating this deal. I wish them the best of luck in their future endeavours!

This collection will serve as a foundation, a seed-bed if you will, from which to grow a newly curated compendium of counter-culture curiosities. The minions are out there, right now, tracking down as many lost gems and treasures as they can find. Foraging in the wilderness, to return enlightened and emboldened, bearing the fruits of Mankind's vivid and diverse imaginings. The stories of our ancestors, our adversaries, our allies, ourselves, captured and encapsulated for all those brave souls who seek and crave knowledge, enlightenment and, above all, wisdom.

Now all I need is a shop to put it in!


JustinLourenco said...
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JustinLourenco said...

wow, thats good to hear. Another step in the right direction!

Now if you could only find that fitting fixture, you'd be golden. I live round queen west area, and lately I've noticed a lot of closed down/for lease buildings around.

I'm assuming you've probably plundered those depths already. If not check em out :: pizzaola second floor, what used to be a dollar store same block as the beer store, the dead mr.sub cross from the big bop, ect.

Theres also dundas st. I don't know what they charge there, but its only a block north of queen, and that's not too bad for previous suspect customers.

Well, keep on keepin' on, any progress is good progress! Right?

michaelknob said...

This is such great news! As soon as you open up shop again I will be first in line to get a membership.

Kev And Charlotte said...

Booooooo i'm sad to hear Giant Squid is gone -- i used to work in stratford and LOVED that they existed, and LOVED their fine selection of alt and thinking pictures. Boooo.

If you're out there former squidies, God speed to you, big love to you, and here's hoping you weren't too financially set back by this.
