Monday, March 24, 2008

A Miracle On Queen St. West!

Truly a timely weekend to be able to announce a resurrection!

It is with the utmost joy that I make the following announcement!
We did it! We secured space for a new store! On Queen W.! Without having to sell my vital organs on the black market! Without having to sell out to the greed-head fat cats!

How could such an feat be accomplished by just one puny, insignificant human animal? Simply put, it couldn't be. Hence: "we did it".

This achievement was only made possible through the combined effort of community. Like-minded individuals who recognize the emptiness of working in a vacuum, the futility of stagnation, and the impending caustic erosion of the independent business aesthetic in the face of a virulent corporate mono-culture. Individuals who are willing to sublimate their egos in order to accept change as a positive and not to allow the fear of it to rule their hearts and minds.

To all our customers, friends and supporters - Thank You!!!!!!!

It is only with your passion and support that anything positive came out of this tragedy! Together we will laugh in the face of those whom accept the mundane and middling as being good enough! Together we shall rejoice at the clarion call to arms against those whom would stand for mediocrity! Together we shall dance on the grave of cynicism and foster a new age of hope and glory!

It is with emboldened hearts, minds and spirits that we look forward to serving all of you and your counter-cultural needs in the very near future! Enjoy the spring, because come summer you will all be hiding in the dark, once again, to edify and enlighten yourselves through the magic art of storytelling.

We will, of course, provide a vast repository of the most challenging, ambitious and uplifting folklore ever conceived and created. From the ends of the earth, to the depths of the oceans and to the farthest reaches of space. From the darkest aspects of the soul of Man, to the limits of our reason and the limitlessness of our imaginations. We will find the best and the worst of what this world has to offer and we will bring it to you and lay it, humbly, at your feet.

This is our promise, this is our creed.

(I know this is all vague and poetical but hey... that's how i feel! I will post many more real details very, very soon. But for now, don't be surprised if you see me running naked through the streets of downtown screaming "HALLELUJAH!!!!!!")


Anonymous said...

Please don't tell me Mama Burlikoff is going to be your landlady/dom. Thirteen years of a good thing is enuf.

Heather's Blog said...



Unknown said...

Right on guys!!! I'm posting an entry on our blog "Blog of the Living Dead".

It is a good day!

michaelknob said...

This is basically the best thing in the world!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats man. The anticipation's almost too much to bare. "This summer..." shit it even sounds like a coming attraction! Alright, yea, I cant wait.