Thursday, June 26, 2008

Newton's Law in Action

If it can go wrong....

So... well, all I can say at this point, is that once everything is ready things will be running very smoothly. Only because every possible thing that could go wrong, has gone wrong. I love computers (not) and getting our software working the way we want it to is proving to be very problematic. Our I.T. guys are working feverishly to exterminate the bugs but this is an uphill battle.

Your patience and understanding is appreciated. After all, this is ultimately for the good of our customers.

Hopefully we will be open for business in short order. Watch this space for updates!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Are you going to have Donna Summer - Disco Queen Dvd?

Anonymous said...

of course!

Anonymous said...

Yesterday, I was walking home minding my own business when I was attacked by a porcupine in the form of a wedge of cheese. When I went to stab it, the streets turned into liquid gold.

In other words:

Who wants to hit up the mental institution friday? There are some vegtables need tending.


Drew said...

I'm glad eye sore this blog page. Gotta hanna it to you, quite the recovery! Still accepting DVDonations???